roux-en-y gastric bypass patient looking out to the ocean and contemplating life

The Gastric Bypass Explained

As part of the bariatric surgeries that we offer at Allure Weightloss, the gastric bypass is one of them and one of the most popular options for patients in the United Kingdom. But what exactly is the Roux-en-Y Bypass and how does it impact the weight and lifestyle of patients? In this blog we will aim to look at these questions, especially in relation to the sleeve gastrectomy and gastric balloon programmes that we also offer.

What is a Gastric Bypass?

gastric bypass

A GMC registered consultant bariatric surgeon will change the structure of your stomach, ultimately leaving the patient with less room and leaving them feeling fuller for longer. The average weight loss an individual that undergoes roux-en-y bypass surgery is 70% of their excess weight. The surgery itself usually lasts around 4 hours, whilst full recover can take up to 8 weeks. In response to a gastric bypass, a patient must make the necessary lifestyle changes that ensure their long-term weight loss and overall health.

As you can see in the adjacent diagram, a gastric bypass fundamentally alters the way in which you digest food by creating a much smaller ‘upper pouch’ of stomach that is connected to straight to your intestines. This is distinctly different to the gastric sleeve, notably in that no part of your stomach is actually removed from the body. Like the sleeve, a gastric bypass is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Alternatives to the Gastric Bypass

Gastric balloon alternative to gastric bypass

As we’ve touched on already, a key alternative to the bypass is the gastric sleeve or sleeve gastrectomy. During the operation the bariatric surgeon will look to remove between 75 – 80% of the patient’s stomach in total. This surgery is typically performed laparoscopically in order to minimise scarring. As you can expect, the removal of so much of your stomach would change the way and amount you eat. In both the cases of the bypass and sleeve, a patient should expect the aftercare support of a bariatric nurse and specialist dietitian.

An alternative to bariatric surgery is our gastric balloon programmes. These programmes are distinctly non-surgical and temporary, taking up around 60% of the patient’s stomach and reducing the hunger hormone grehlin. Typically patients can expect to lose 10 – 15 or 10 – 17% of their total bodyweight depending on balloon and dedication the programme overall. We have three gastric balloons to choose from including the Gastric Balloon, BiB System, and 12 month gastric balloon UK.

GMC Registered Bariatric Consultant Surgeons

The surgeons that perform the gastric bypass for Allure Weightloss are:

CQC Registered Providers

Allure Weightloss is proud to be a CQC registered provider of bariatric surgery and gastric balloon programmes in England and Wales, ensuring our patients receive an extremely high-standard of care from start to finish. For more information regarding any and all of our programmes, get in touch with our team of medical weight loss specialists today on 0345 512 0094 or by emailing info@allureweightloss.com.