

Weight Loss and Eating Habits

After a long week at work, the idea of going home and cooking a healthy meal can sound exhausting. But it is repeated, consistent habits that are often the secret behind the way in which we achieve our weight loss goals. Of course, this is more than often easier said than done, and individuals usually need more than a little support in order to get the ball rolling.

The reasons for weight gain itself can be multifaceted, ranging from people accidentally putting on pounds without noticing until it is too late, or as a result of long-term psychological dispositions such as trauma.

Whatever your reason behind putting on weight, know that there is help available in one form or another, and at Allure Weightloss we specialise in providing comprehensive programmes that are supported by GMC registered Consultants.

Feeling Fuller for Longer with a Gastric Balloon

At the centre of our weight loss programmes is the gastric balloon. We have two on offer, that can be in place for different amounts of time. The balloon placements last from 6 to 12 months and are supported by unique aftercare programme that is unrivalled in the United Kingdom. Typically, patients experience 10-18% loss of their total body weight.

A gastric balloon works by suppressing your hunger and making it more difficult to consume larger amounts food. This impermanent and non-surgical tool is the starting point for a long-term life change wherein you will learn how to effectively manage your diet and lifestyle. Our patients have found these programmes lifechanging, and you can read their testimonials for both the 6 and 12 month gastric balloon.

Dietetic Support

With the gastric balloon in place, our HCPC registered dietitians support our patients with changing the way they approach food. This combined with suppressed hunger, is a fantastic way to change habits for the long-term.

As long as our patients work with the programme, the results can truly be phenomenal. Natural upticks in confidence and health are a major benefit of the Allure Weightloss programme, helping to protect against the negative health implications that come with obesity, such as heart disease. Once the programme is over, we hope to have left our patients with the necessary information to take their weight and their bodies back into their own control.

Is A Healthy Diet Important With A Gastric Balloon?

A gastric balloon is a useful tool when it comes to losing weight to help accelerate weight loss, however, it works in conjunction with healthy eating. While your balloon is in place it is important to develop healthy eating habits, not only to gain the most from your balloon, but so you are prepared for the removal of your balloon.

Your dietitian will offer support on the balanced diet you will need to reach a healthy weight and how to use healthy foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, and make simple changes, such as switching to brown rice to create healthy meals. You will be encouraged to eat smaller meals and make conscious choices for healthy food. Just because you’re making a healthy choice, doesn’t mean you have to eat the same foods, or even boring food. You will be guided on how to develop enjoyable and sustainable eating habits to make a long term change.

Weight Counselling

Portrait of Dr Mark Bruce

Available for those who feel as though they need a little extra support, weight counselling as directed by Dr Mark Bruce seeks to dive into the reasons behind why you struggle with weight loss. Maybe it has something to do with past traumas, or the way you were taught to relate to food. Either way, we are pleased to offer this service at an additional cost to all our patients.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey

If you are looking to make a change, the team at Allure Weightloss may be able to help. Speak with our medical weight loss and gastric balloon specialists today in order to discuss your options by sending an email or giving us a ring. If you contact us out of hours, we will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible!

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