

Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

The idea of losing hair after surgery is scary for many people, and there are a few reasons why this may occur. These are due to the rapid weight loss itself, as well as a change in the way your body is able to sustain nutrients, and simply the body’s response to surgery and healing from surgery.

As you can imagine, various studies have been conducted on the impact that bariatric surgeries have on hair and why. One study found that low amounts of zinc in particular was a leading cause of hair loss in patients. It was even found that zinc supplements stopped hair loss in most participants.

Other deficiencies, such as in protein, vitamin A and C, and Vitamin B9, can also result in hair loss due to the reduction of nutrients causing the hair to become thin and brittle. In some cases, the hair may even change colour.

Will My Hair Grow Back?

Not everyone will experience the hair loss outlined in this article, but if you do – don’t worry. The last of the hair will fall out at around 6 months (although typically lasts only around 3 – 4 months), and if you follow the advice of your care team then it should begin to grow back normally. It is important to remember there is no way that dormant hair can reactivate, your body will simply produce new strands. It is important to listen to the advice of professionals throughout your recovery.

Bariatric Surgery with Allure

Allure Weightloss are pleased to offer bariatric surgery accompanied by specialist aftercare. Whilst hair loss is common, our after care team complete with nurse and dietitian can support and advise you when it comes to minimising the negative impact surgery has on your body during recovery. Whether you are looking into having a gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, a mini gastric bypass, or revision surgery, they will be by your side to provide the advice required to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Speak to a Specialist

If you need help navigating the world of medical weight loss, speak to our team today and start your journey. Call 03455 120 094, or email info@allureweightloss.com. Alternatively, contact us via our enquiry form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Allure Weightloss is a CQC registered provider of gastric balloons and bariatric surgery.

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