

Why Choose a 12 Month Weight Loss Balloon?

Choosing to change your life and lose weight is a major decision. It is not something that you should choose to do lightly. Rather, you need to sit and consider whether you are ready to make the necessary changes that losing weight needs. For many people, being overweight is a complicated mixture of diet, lifestyle and personal habits. To lose weight is more complicated than simply eating less. Instead, it is a holistic change to a way of living. Choosing to lose weight with a 12 month weight loss balloon can make the process easier, but does not take the challenge. It is an aid, not a panacea.

What is a Gastric Balloon?

A Weight Loss Balloon is a soft silicone balloon, which fits into your stomach. During the procedure, we insert the balloon into your stomach without surgery, through your mouth. We then fill it with sterile saline water through a tube. This fills the balloon, which then seals itself through a self-sealing valve. This inflated balloon then sits in your stomach for up to 12 months. As it occupies part of your stomach, your brain feels as if the stomach is full as a result of eating, and you do not feel as hungry as you might have done without the balloon.

Who is a 12-Month Balloon for?

A 12-month weight loss balloon is for people who have seriously struggled with their weight over a long period of time. It lasts long enough that you can start to get used to eating smaller portions. However, it also lasts long enough that you can start to deal with the lifestyle or psychological issues that may be the root cause of over-eating.

How does Allure Weight Loss Help?

Allure Weight Loss do not simply fit weight loss balloons. We help people along their weight loss journey. Our care is not over when you leave the facility. We work with our dietitian to help you adjust and change your diet to one that will work with the balloon. This is also part of helping you adjust to the sort of diet you should be sticking with after the programme has finished.

To learn more about how we can help you lose weight with a 12 month weight loss balloon, get in touch today.

Allure Weightloss is a CQC registered provider if gastric balloons in England and Wales.

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