
Moataz lost 45% of his weight with the Gastric Sleeve

"I now enjoy walking with my dogs in the hills and our family holidays are so much better!"

Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
Surgeon: Mr Jambulingam
Total Body Weight Loss: 59Kg (45.03%TBWL)
Starting Weight: 131kg
Lowest Weight: 72kg

Undergoing gastric sleeve surgery with Allure Weightloss was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Since my gastric sleeve procedure, I’ve lost over 50 kg and feel healthier, more energetic, and more confident than ever. The Allure Weightloss team provided exceptional care and guidance throughout the entire journey, making me feel supported every step of the way. This life-changing experience has not only improved my physical health but also transformed my outlook on life. I now enjoy walking with my dogs in the hills and our family holidays are so much better!

Calculate Your BMI

In order to have bariatric surgery you need a BMI of at least 35. You can use our Calculator in order to determine your BMI, or use the NHS BMI Calculator.

How is body mass index (BMI) measured? 

An individuals BMI is calculated by using the following formula:

BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m)²

You must take your weight in kilograms, divide it by your height in meters, and then divide it a second time by your height in order to determine the correct body mass index.

Am I Suitable?
BMI Calculator
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI).
BMI Calculator
Unit type
Please enter value between 125 and 225.
Please enter value between 10.0 and 500.0 ( one decimal ).
Please enter value between 4.2 and 7.3
Please enter value between 22.0 and 1000.0 ( one decimal ).
Calculate BMI
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI), which can be a helpful tool in determining your weight category. Or, use it to calculate your child’s BMI.