
Costas lost 18kg

"I'd still be fighting will power but this has given me the motivation"- Gastric Balloon Patient"

Name: Costas
Location: Essex

Package: Gastric Balloon
Physician: Mr Jambulingam
Total weight loss: 13Kg (13%TBWL)
Starting Weight: 102kg
Current Weight: 89kg- at 11 weeks
Placement Date: March 2021
Balloon passed: July 2022
Starting BMI: 29.4
Current BMI: 26

Costas struggled to lose stubborn weight for the last few years and despite daily jogging and going to the gym, the weight just would not shift. His determination and desire to make the best of the gastric balloon programme has been a pleasure to watch and his results speak for themselves – 13% body weight loss in 11 weeks!

With the help of our dietitians and nurses, Costas was really able to make the best of his balloon programme. They helped him with his transition back to eating solid foods after his placement, taught him new nutrition habits, and helped him to develop a thorough diet plan that he can take with him throughout the rest of his life.

Aftercare is one of the key aspects of a balloon placement with Allure Weightloss. We take pride in helping our patients from start to finish with our exceptional aftercare. It was great to see Costas take what he learned and apply it with such success. We wish him all the best with his future.

Calculate Your BMI

In order to have bariatric surgery you need a BMI of at least 35. You can use our Calculator in order to determine your BMI, or use the NHS BMI Calculator.

How is body mass index (BMI) measured? 

An individuals BMI is calculated by using the following formula:

BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m)²

You must take your weight in kilograms, divide it by your height in meters, and then divide it a second time by your height in order to determine the correct body mass index.

Am I Suitable?
BMI Calculator
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI).
BMI Calculator
Unit type
Please enter value between 125 and 225.
Please enter value between 10.0 and 500.0 ( one decimal ).
Please enter value between 4.2 and 7.3
Please enter value between 22.0 and 1000.0 ( one decimal ).
Calculate BMI
Use this calculator to check your body mass index (BMI), which can be a helpful tool in determining your weight category. Or, use it to calculate your child’s BMI.